A non-profit educational charity, HIMLIT Literacy & Educational Support Fund, is actively involved in supporting this relatively new area of research. I am most grateful to friends and family members who from time to time send donations and freewill offerings. This work is entirely funded by those who believe it has a role to play in our world today.
Financial support may be sent via HIMLIT. For more information on how to donate in the UK, please contact HIMLIT c/o Dr Elaine Robson, 14 Sommerville House, Cricket Lane, Bristol BS10 6TW, United Kingdom. Phone 0117 950 3448. (UK gifts qualify for Gift Aid if the donor is a tax payer).
Addresses abroad to which support gifts made out to HIMLIT may be mailed are:
HIMLIT (USA): P Tucker, 70056, Price Lane, Arlee, Montana, MT 59821, USA. (Tax deductible).
HIMLIT in Canada: c/o P Fairbairn, 4116 – 121st Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6J 1Y5, Canada.
HIMLIT in New Zealand: c/o R Hart, 5 Highgate, Rototuna, Hamilton 3210, New Zealand.
In the USA, gifts are tax deductible. However, this benefit is not applicable to gifts sent to the contact addresses in Canada and New Zealand.
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