The Wynberg and Allen Schools on the ridge below Landour, Mussoorie in N India

A Tibetan lady with her 2 small children in N India

Some of the Tibetan sponsored students at the Wynberg-Allen School (1969).

‘Ralston Manor’ was home to sixty Wynberg-Allen Tibetan students + helpers (including myself)

Some of the Wynberg-Allen Tibetan Hostel students in national dress

The Rhotang Pass area north of Manali in Himachal Pradesh (H.P.) North India

The Lady Willingdon Christian Mission Hospital in snowbound Manali H.P. (1970)

Dr Michael Robson’s rural clinic in the Mandi District of H.P.

Our luggage about to be loaded onto the roof of a Himalayan bus!

A Tibetan Buddhist Pilgrim

The 1997 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies. This event is held every four years